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YOU GOT THIS! Marketing Your Business In-Person

Saturday, June 20, 2020
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm, Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Career, Business, Financial Literacy  
Registration has closed.

About the Event

Can you afford not to understand the science of marketing? Why waste money on strategies that do not drive your company’s sales? It does not matter if you are a small business or a major corporation, marketing is paramount to driving sales! This workshop will provide you with an overview of marketing basics and strategies for building a realistic and practical marketing plan. Find cost-effective strategies for growing your business by using your existing customers or finding new ones! Learn how to focus your advertising dollars so that you don’t waste your hard-earned money. Join Marcia Silverstein, Director of Community Relations and Marketing at the NSU Alvin Sherman Library, as she shares her marketing experiences and lessons learned.

Zoom link will follow in an email before the program.

Presented by the NSU Alvin Sherman Library and sponsored by SunTrust Foundation, these workshops are designed to inspire and educate you to become financially successful.

Related LibGuide: Business: Library Resource Guide by Mihaela Micu

Direction to the Alvin Sherman Library