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YOU GOT THIS! Funding Your Business In-Person

Thursday, May 7, 2020
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
  Adults     NSU Sharks  
Career, Business, Financial Literacy  
Registration has closed.

About the Event

Learn about the different types of funding sources suitable for varied forms of ventures along the entrepreneurship spectrum, including crowdfunding and initial coin offerings (ICO). Find out about the current challenges and opportunities brought about by the social distancing experience and the increasing role of artificial intelligence in future entrepreneurial ventures. Entrepreneurship is important to society and there are different components. Discover the different forms of entrepreneurship—from a single-employee business to a hi-tech startup. Dr. Pankaj Maskara, from the H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship at Nova Southeastern University, will discuss all this and the innovation and entrepreneurship landscape in South Florida.

Click this link to join the webinar https://nova.zoom.us/j/93134023588

Presented by the NSU Alvin Sherman Library and sponsored by SunTrust Foundation, these workshops are designed to inspire and educate you to become financially successful.

Related LibGuide: Business: Library Resource Guide by Mihaela Micu

Direction to the Alvin Sherman Library