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How to Prevent Your Characters From Becoming Too Stupid To Live (TSTL) with Victoria Landis (Online)

Saturday, April 13, 2024
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm, Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Writing Workshop
  Adults     NSU Sharks  
Author Events   Book Clubs   Workshop or Class   Writing  

About the Event

Why DOES the babysitter open the closet door instead of running out of the house? Because the writer(s) couldn't take the time to find a PLAUSIBLE way to get her into the trouble they wanted her in. And while that's a humorous trope about a movie genre, similar things happen far too often in novels. TSTL is an intensive 'Let's-put-our-heads-together' workshop designed to help you prevent future readers from wanting to toss your labor of love (your book) out the window when a character does something ridiculous to place them where you want them.

VICTORIA LANDIS is the author of 3 novels & a compendium of humor columns. She served for 4 years as Co-Chair of the Florida Chapter of Mystery Writers of America's SleuthFest Writers Conference. She's taught writing craft at SleuthFest, Murder on the Beach's Author's Academy, and the Alvin Sherman Library at Nova Southeastern University.


If you would like to attend online through Zoom, please click here to register.

The video is available for on-demand viewing April 14 – September 4.


Sponsored by the Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation.

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Direction to the Alvin Sherman Library